Articoli di Ricerca

19th Workshop on Virtualization in High­-Performance Cloud Computing – CFP

==================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS 19th Workshop on Virtualization in High­-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC '24) held in conjunction with the European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Aug 26-30, 2024,...

6 borse di studio per il Corso di Dottorato in Informatica – Università di Pisa-Firenze-Siena

Il secondo bando (bando "B") per le borse di dottorato in oggetto è stato pubblicato...

Assegno di ricerca: quantum algorithms for hydrodynamics equations Scadenza bando: 31 maggio 2024.

International Forensics Summer School (IFOSS) – Sicily, IT 14-20 July 2024

Ethical and Legal Challenges in AI-Driven Forensic Science" After the big success of the first two editions with about 50 attendees from all over the world, The third edition of IFOSS will aim to provide both an objective and clear overview and an in-depth analysis of...