Le Matematiche – Call for papers – Special Issue on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science – Theory and Applications

Giugno 11, 2024
By Cantone Domenico

*** Le Matematiche – Call for papers – Special Issue on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science – Theory and Applications ***

Aims and Scope

The aim of the Special Issue is to highlight recent theory and applications trends in Mathematics and Computer Science. We encourage submissions of novel results as well as surveys related to the different areas of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Authors who want to submit a paper should register on the journal’s website (pay attention to check “enrol as author”) and upload the file of the article in pdf format indicating the Special Issue. The manuscript must be written in English and should contain the author’s full name, address and e-mail address, AMS 2010 Subject Classification and keywords. A short summary in English should precede the text. References should be given in alphabetical order, labelled by numbers. It is necessary that manuscripts have not been already published and have not been simultaneously submitted elsewhere. All articles will be sent by the editors to referees for peer review.

For more information do not hesitate to contact lematema@dmi.unict.it.

Important Dates

Submission Period: 1 June – 30 September 2024

Author Notification: 15 October 2024

Revised Papers – Camera Ready Due: 30 October 2024

Special Issue Publication: November 2024

Guest Editors

Prof. Domenico Cantone (domenico.cantone@unict.it)

Prof. Francesco Russo (frusso@dmi.unict.it)

Journal Website



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