Special Issue on “Verification, Control, and Repair in Business Process Management” – Journal: Information Systems, Elsevier (Q1)

Aprile 12, 2024
By Matteo Zavatteri

Call for Papers, Special Issue

  • Verification, Control, and Repair in Business Process Management *

Information Systems – Elsevier (IF 3.7 @ 2024)


Deadline: August 31, 2024


Business process management supports the coordination of complex and interrelated activities within one or many organizations. The legitimate executions of business processes (BPs) are usually represented through a business process model, specifying a partial order between the activities to regulate their execution order (control-flow perspective). Several business process models are also augmented with:

  1. time and temporal constraints (time perspective)
  2. resources and allocation policies for task executions (resource perspective)
  3. data and value assignments to keep track of more sources of information (data perspective)

If a business process model contains errors in any of the perspectives above, the execution of the business process may end with some constraint violated or remain blocked in a livelock/deadlock where progress/conclusion is no longer possible. Errors in business process models reveal imprecision in business processes (illegitimate behavior, over-constrained models, etc.). All this can only worsen if some parts of the business process are uncontrollable (task duration, choice of execution branch, resource availability, variable value assignments, etc.). To guarantee that business processes can be executed “safely” three main methods can be employed:

  1. verification: determination of errors, constraint violations, livelocks/deadlocks
  2. control: restriction of the possible executions to ensure constraint satisfaction/process completion
  3. repair: modification of the model to prevent constraint violations/deadlocks/livelocks

This special issue looks for submissions delving into these three areas of business processes with particular focus on temporal, resource, and data perspectives, considered in isolation or simultaneously, with respect to discrete and/or continuous domains, employing techniques applied at design or runtime. All techniques advancing these areas are welcome. Techniques coming from or lying at the intersection of communities beyond the business process management and information systems, whose results can be tailored to business processes, are especially welcome. Pertinent review papers are also welcome.


Matteo Zavatteri, University of Padua, Italy
Massimiliano de Leoni, University of Padua, Italy
Johann Eder, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Manfred Reichert, Ulm University, Germany


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